Michael C. Warren

Technology and Education

January 2010 Field Activity Reflection

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This month’s biggest problem occurred when we came back from Christmas holiday to find out that our hosting provider moved servers on us. None of our Adobe Contribute keys functioned so they had to be reissued for ever user in the district.  There were certain items missing from the web site that had been placed within the past two month.  Because of this I had to find out the new connection information, working with the provider to set up ftp.maypearlisd.org instead of an IP address so that if further server changes ever occurred, it would not disrupt our process, and keys would not have to be made again.  I am still having issues with administration not wanting to post their own work and the current scenario is that I am still updating certain non-teacher related information on the Secondary campus site.  If we could focus attention for some of the staff to learn the new system it would be much more efficient for me during the time I teach.  I did spend some time helping the IT department troubleshoot a failed hard drive. During this time I researched the error code and contacted the manufacturer to see if there was an alternative to replacing the drive. In essence checking for a system check.

Written by admin

January 30th, 2010 at 3:42 pm

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